Barbaros Kaptanoğlu

Barbaros Kaptanoğlu

Hi, I’m Barbaros. I’m a Senior Learning Designer at ATÖLYE. Usually, I take on the role of facilitator or team coach in our projects. I love being in projects that focus on positive social impact. This is my third role at ATÖLYE and the ability to adapt easily allows me to learn different abilities from various domains, and then fuse them together to create new outcomes.

Barbaros is a Senior Learning Designer at ATÖLYE who concentrates on facilitation and learning experiences; he has recently also completed his MA Thesis on “Facilitating Online Education.” Before this role, he worked as Finance and Operations Associate in ATÖLYE and was responsible for financial monitoring and reporting as well as the improvement of digital tools and systems for the entire team. These systems have allowed everyone to work more efficiently.

During his undergraduate studies in Energy Systems Engineering, he took elective classes from the Faculty of Communications, which boosted his interest in the visual arts. He produced the “Sound Picnic” project for four years as part of his Video for Sound and Performance course. After receiving his bachelor’s degree, he got his master’s degree in Media and Communication Systems at the same institution, İstanbul Bilgi University.

Barbaros has been a nature enthusiast since his childhood; he loves being outdoors alone and spending days at a time breathing in the environment. He has a special interest in bushcraft which allows people to create a sustainable comfort zone in nature. His dream project is to build an outdoors training initiative for children in several regions of Turkey.